The Village of Craven takes every effort to keep this data as accurate and current as possible. All Minutes for the Village may not be listed below, and Attachments/Appendix may be missing. If you are looking for Attachments/Appendix or minutes that are not listed call the Office and inquire. This data is for reference purposes only. Please contact the Village of Craven if you are intending to use this data for legal purposes. Please do not copy and disseminate this information without the consent of the Village Administration. When using the information contained herein, the original Minutes and Attachments/Appendix should be consulted for the purpose of interpretation and application of the law.
The adoption of prior minutes is approved and posted after the following council meeting.
The DRAFT Agenda’s are attached for the public viewing. The agenda may be changed at any time.
February 11, 2025 Council Meeting Agenda
January 14, 2025 Council Meeting Agenda